
The JAutomata library is organized into various modules that allow users to depend on as small a set of libraries as possible according to their requirements: You have what you are paying for.

# Base API and classe like State or Automaton, properties, transformations and primitive string I/O are grouped in the jautomata-core module. This module has no dependencies outside JAutomata.

# Module jautomata-graph provides interface with } OpenJGraph API, allowing representation of any automaton as a directed graph and use of layout, image and various standard graph algorithms in this library. Apart from OpenJGraph, this module depends on } Parsing, a small library of utilities.

# Input/output classes are grouped into the jautomata-io module, with the notable exception of basic I/O with toAscii, ToRExpression and Expression classes and interfaces. Module jautomata-io also contains console-based applications for manipulating external representation of automata in various forms (textual and graphic) and applying transformations, properties checking and morphisms outside of Java environment. THis module depends on jautomata-graph for displaying automaton and on SCXML 0.5 for I/O operation on this format.

# Module jautomata-ext contains two extensions to standard automata: I/O automata and transducers, with some associated transformations and algorithms. I/O automata are standard automata the alphabet of which is partitionned in two sets: the input letters and the output letters, plus a distinguished letter often named tau (the greek letter) denoting internal actions. This kind of automata is most often found in telco protocols verification and modeling. Transducers are a formal language theory construction representing regular relations: Relations between two (or more) sets that have a regular structure (ie. the structure of an automaton). Transitions are labelled with input-output couples and the image of a rational language (ie. an automaton) can be computed to give another automaton.